Available AMIE Study materials and E-Books

Available Study notes for Super members ( Get Super membership )

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Material Science and Engineering Notes for AMIE (21 Pages)

Computing and Informatics Class Notes for AMIE (46 Pages)

Material Science Study notes (PPT Attachments)

Materials Science and Engineering-An Intro 7e Wiley 2007

Callister - Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engg

Handbook of Thermal Engineering 33.69 MB

introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Butterworth_Heinmann

Chemical Engineer's Handbook 231MB (rar File download)

Fluid Mechanics (28 Lecture Notes) download

Coulson Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 4 (PDF)

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING solutions to problems (pdf - 338 pages)

heat Transfer (156 Pages PDF Download)

Process Control Fundamentals (73 Page PDF File Download)

Heat Transfer Textbook 762 Pages (PDF File)

Computer Networks (33 Page doc file download)

Tutorial Guide to C++ Programming (74-Pages PDF Downlaod)

Tutorial on C Programming (64 Pages - PDF Download)

Interactive Computer Graphics (5 pages Q&A- PDF) download

Pulse and Digital Circuits (22 pages - Word doc) download

Computer Graphics (57 Pages - word document)


Meaning of the parameters

notes on dbms& tcp/ip-AMIE Section-A Computing and Informatics

Download DesignManufacturing (49 page document)

AMIE Design and Mfg - Manufacturing Process (175 Page PDF)

DESIGN Engineering NOTES

Material science and engineering Study notes


Engineering Management-Management Thought


Section A DEsign and manufacturing(70 Page-Anmated PDF file)

SECBRegistration when and how?

Society and environment study notes (2 pages)

Material science and engineering study notes (2 pages)

Design and manufacturing study notes (2 pages)

Computing and informatics study notes (2 pages)

High voltages measurement - Electrical Engineering 32 Pages

Material Science and Engineering E-book

Advance Control Engineering study Notes

Section A - Material Science Notes

AD-303 Networking Fundamentals (91 Pages - PDF Document)

AMIE Section-B Old question papers available to download


AMIE Sec. B ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS old question papers

MICROPROCESSORS CONTROLLERS summer 09 question paper

AMIE Section B DATA STRUCTURES - Old question Papers


AMIE Section B Pulse and Digital Circuits Old Quesion Papers

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Summer 09 and winter 08 question paper

AMIE Sec B Computer Architecture Summer 09 Quesiton paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Winter 08 question paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Winter 07 question paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Winter 06 question paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Winter 05 question paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Summer 08 question paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Summer 07 question paper

Thermal Science and Engineering Summer 06 question paper

Mechanicas of Solids- Winter 08 question paper

Mechanics of Solids- Winter 07 question paper

Mechanicas of Solids- Summer 08 question paper

Mechanicas of Solids- Summer 07 question paper

Non-Conventional Energy Systems Winter 08 question paper

Non-Conventional Energy Systems Winter 07 question paper

Non-Conventional Energy Systems Winter 06 question paper

Non-Conventional Energy Systems Summer 08 question paper

Non-Conventional Energy Systems Summer 07 question paper

Section B Manufacturing Technology Winter 08 question paper

Manufacturing Technology Winter 07 question paper

Manufacturing Technology Summer 08 question paper

Manufacturing Technology Summer 07 question paper

Design of Machine elements Winter 2008 question paper

engineering management Winter 2007 question paper

Section B engineering management Summer 08 question paper

Section B engineering management summer 06 question paper

Engineering management winter 05 question paper

Exam fee for for ST/T Membership (new enrollment) - AMIE - Associate member of Institution of Engineers (india)

For ST / T membership, the applicants from India and Nepal have to pay Rs. 4800/- only (Membership Fee Rs. 2000/- + Membership Pack Rs. 600/- + Study Material Rs. 2200/-). The overseas applicants have to pay US$ 530 only.The existing ST / T members may obtain the following :'Membership Pack' -- Rs. 600/- only for candidates from India and Nepal and US$ 60 only for the overseas candidates, including postage.'Study Material' -- Rs. 2200/- only for full set of books on all four subjects or Rs. 550/- only for individual book on each subject for candidates from from India and Nepal and US$ 220 only and US$ 60 only, respectively, for the overseas candidates, including postage.
It is effective from 1st march,2009, so those who have already sent DD ,they need to cancle it & send new DD with amount 4800/-.

visit http://www.amiestudy.com/ for more details...

Download All old quesiton papers with Super membership

Computing and Informatics - summer 2005 Question paper

All the above downloads are available to supermembers.
Eligibility to get super membership:
1. Register your name in the discussion board
2. Minimum 10 valid posts or shares at least a study notes or an old question paper (which is not here).
3. Request here to get super membership
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Section A and Section B Study Notes

The following study notes available

Design and Manufacturing
Society and Environment engineering

Material Science Notes
Material Science and Engineering
Material Science and Engineering (very good book of 900 Pages - 10MB Size Request password here) -New

Basics of Material Science (Downloadable book) - New

Computiong and Informatics
Computing and Informatics
Cplus Tutorial

Section B
Operating systems
Operating Systems

Download more notes (Availailable only for the members of Super group)
Some of the study notes are protected to Super members of the group. Request here to get added to super member group.
Eligibility to get super membership:
1. Register your name in the discussion board
2. Minimum 10 valid posts or shares at least a study notes or an old question paper (which is not here).
3. Request here to get super membership
Read more about super member group benefits.