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Computing and Informatics - summer 2005 Question paper

All the above downloads are available to supermembers.
Eligibility to get super membership:
1. Register your name in the discussion board
2. Minimum 10 valid posts or shares at least a study notes or an old question paper (which is not here).
3. Request here to get super membership
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Section A and Section B Study Notes

The following study notes available

Design and Manufacturing
Society and Environment engineering

Material Science Notes
Material Science and Engineering
Material Science and Engineering (very good book of 900 Pages - 10MB Size Request password here) -New

Basics of Material Science (Downloadable book) - New

Computiong and Informatics
Computing and Informatics
Cplus Tutorial

Section B
Operating systems
Operating Systems

Download more notes (Availailable only for the members of Super group)
Some of the study notes are protected to Super members of the group. Request here to get added to super member group.
Eligibility to get super membership:
1. Register your name in the discussion board
2. Minimum 10 valid posts or shares at least a study notes or an old question paper (which is not here).
3. Request here to get super membership
Read more about super member group benefits.