Exam fee for for ST/T Membership (new enrollment) - AMIE - Associate member of Institution of Engineers (india)

For ST / T membership, the applicants from India and Nepal have to pay Rs. 4800/- only (Membership Fee Rs. 2000/- + Membership Pack Rs. 600/- + Study Material Rs. 2200/-). The overseas applicants have to pay US$ 530 only.The existing ST / T members may obtain the following :'Membership Pack' -- Rs. 600/- only for candidates from India and Nepal and US$ 60 only for the overseas candidates, including postage.'Study Material' -- Rs. 2200/- only for full set of books on all four subjects or Rs. 550/- only for individual book on each subject for candidates from from India and Nepal and US$ 220 only and US$ 60 only, respectively, for the overseas candidates, including postage.
It is effective from 1st march,2009, so those who have already sent DD ,they need to cancle it & send new DD with amount 4800/-.

visit http://www.amiestudy.com/ for more details...


sandesh Kumar said...

Hi this is sandesh,im from warangal (a.p) i have completed my diploma in mechanical engineering, now i want to continue my studies through amie,my email id is sandeshpaluri@gmail.com.
Please suggest me how to join in amie also the colleges which are providing this education.

Unknown said...

this is suman sharma.i have completed my diploma in computer science and engineering this year and now i am doing job but i still want to continue my study through amie.so please guide me how ti join amie at my email id suman.vashishth@gmail.com.